Based in Kettering

Beth Thomas

It's Nice To Meet You

You’ve no time. You checked your email as soon as you got up at 6am, you drove the hour and a half to the client’s office while taking a call from another client. Now you’re back in the car, heading to the offices of a third. And you’re on the phone AGAIN. And Skype keeps crashing.

It’s lunchtime, you’ve not eaten, the emails have built up, and now your business partner is WhatsApping you. You need to be in Boston on Wednesday, oh and it would be awesome if you could fly back via Philly to speak with Joanne. Who on earth is Joanne?

Business life is not calm (believe you me, I know…), whether you lead within a large company or an SME, or you run your own venture, nothing stops, and nor does your expectations on yourself.

And that’s where I come in. I can’t tell you who Joanne is, and I can’t reduce the commute, but I can take away the stress of organising your travel. I work for you. I can get you to and from the airport, find the flights, make the connections (those obscure fares and split returns that are a nightmare to find), I can book your favourite hotel, your favourite airline, make sure you collect your points, and make sure… well, make sure that no matter where you need to go and when, business or leisure, it’s all taken care of.

Think of me as an extension of your business, working with you, your PA, your spouse even, to make your travel as easy as possible. To reroute you in minutes when you need it. To spoil your partner with a surprise trip away. To book that Eurostar. And to get you back on Friday in time to tuck your 9-year-old into bed.

So if you’d like one less thing on the to do list, you’d like someone working on your team to fix your travel, find your holidays and lighten the load, then I’m Beth. YOUR Travel Counsellor.


Contact Me

Whatever your business needs I'm here to help you, so please get in touch with me and I can get things started:

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